Bonus Poem of the Week: I’ll Never Understand: A Quick Rant about the Parents of Bullies and Trolls

I’ll Never Understand: A Quick Rant about the Parents of Bullies and Trolls
March 9, 2021

I’ll never understand why some parents don’t have the spine or brains
To see or hear the kind of crap their kids pull
Whether at school or on the Internet, what with all the grief and pain
They inflict, for their consciences are effectively null.

They harass others for attention, spreading lies and calling names,
No logic in what they say except “L-O-L”,
Acting like they’re so cool, tough, and clever when really, they’re just insane—
Not to mention cowardly, rude, and stupid as hell.

There’s no cleverness in hurting feelings, especially those of strangers
And when the pain one’s words spread is so see-through,
Yet these little suckers don’t give up, even when lives are in danger
And their prey commits suicide out of the blue.

Very few feel remorse in their hearts for the cruelty the commit,
And they all know the hurt they perpetrate, yet don’t care.
All they care ‘bout is entertainment, and they’ll do whatever they see fit,
Lest someone puts the screws to them hard and square.

Alas, the parents of these bullies and trolls are too dense to see
And hear the demons they’ve raised and set on the world.
Either that, or they blatantly look the other way and say, “Not me!”
When it comes to disciplining their boys and girls.

They can’t stand being “overwhelmed” with the simple responsibility
To inform their precious brats about right versus wrong,
Even though it’s every parent’s job to teach their kids morality
So that tomorrow’s overall moral code can stay strong.

Oh, but these parents are so wrapped up in their own sad lives and drama
That heaven forbid they do their job and step up
When their spawn act like asses for all to hear and see. Thanks, Mama
And Papa, for keeping them from being sick little pups.

I know it sounds vindictive of me to say such harsh things myself,
But really, kids are a huge responsibility.
They’re people, too, like you and me, not to be tucked away on a shelf
And ignored, but to learn from us all human decency.

They’re to learn from us how to treat other people and why we treat them as we do
And to know good from evil and to think with their heads
And hearts so that when they inherit the world from us as younger folks do,
Society will stay strong and not hang by a thread.

Humans are social beings, after all, and must rely on one another
To see that society progresses day by day,
And we can’t get things done by being rude or disparaging to each other
Each chance we get to tickle our fancy some way.

A little kindness and compassion, after all—or at least respect—
Goes a long way in the long run, no matter the age,
And if one wants respect in life, one must have it first, lest we forget,
For each other and for ourselves, no matter the stage.

On that note, then, parents, teach your kids well, and don’t let them degenerate
Into bullies or trolls, for such scum comes all too cheap,
And they don’t add much to anything, save for spreading more resent and hate,
And when it comes to that crap, we’re already in way too deep.

Yes, bullies may always be a thing, for that’s how humanity works,
But they needn’t be, should their parents take the right steps.
This world, after all, is already filled to the brim with ill-mannered jerks,
And we needn’t more on top of them, especially yet.


Author Pages:

Bonus Poem of the Week: Standing Up for Oneself

Standing Up for Oneself
April 22, 2015

What’s so wrong with standing up for oneself
In the face of that which is clearly wrong?
Why put one’s true feelings up on a shelf
For fear of ringing out truth like a gong
And alarming all to the steaming crap
That someone else is laying at one’s feet?
Why should honest folks garner the bad rap
For their thoughts, be they open or discreet?
Shouldn’t justice be a greater concern,
Where the righteous earn reward and the foul
Are fed to Hell’s flames, forever to burn
While He Upstairs casts down His displeased scowl?
Silence of the just can be quite the sin,
For through such reluctance can evil win.


Author Pages:



Poem of the Week: When Teachers Are the Bullies

Hello, readers!

For this week’s “Poem of the Week,” I’ve decided to experiment a little with my poetry and try my hand at a reverse sestina. This particular topic as such was kind of a risk for me to subject to this little “experiment” of sorts, seeing as it’s one that I wish someone, myself included, had had the guts to bring to the table a good twenty, twenty-five years ago—well before this decade’s concerns against bullying came to be. Regardless, any compliments or critiques of my work are welcome, as they will help me determine whether or not it’s worth using this format for future compositions. In the meantime, here’s When Teachers Are the Bullies.


When Teachers Are the Bullies
July 10, 2014

It’s bad enough for kids to have to cope with bullies,
But when said bullies are teachers, that’s a whole other problem.
Such unprofessional conduct should never be tolerated.

In this day and age when people are concerned about bullies
Ragging on other kids and causing all sorts of problems,
It makes me wonder whether or not people tolerate
“Grownups” resorting to such destructive, obnoxious conduct—
Especially when such “grownups” happen to be teachers
Who use their power to humiliate and intimidate kids.

As if bullying itself wasn’t already as it is a problem,
We must also cope with the offensive, unethical conduct
Of teachers who, instead of fostering wisdom and confidence in kids,
Burden them with the anger they still have towards their own teachers
Or their insecurities in general, which is somehow tolerated
By those who don’t have it to confront them for being bullies.

So blatant are they, too, with their abusive conduct
That they become more like dictators than they do teachers,
Wielding words like weapons as would other bullies
To “put in place” kids whom they somehow fail to tolerate
Not because said students happen to be bad kids,
But because they don’t fit some superficial mold. Some problem!

Apparently, it’s a rule for some teachers
To fit kids to certain archetypes, which is hard to tolerate
On account of such behavior being the root of the problem
Known as bigotry, which we always try to tell kids
Is ignorant and judgmental and thus makes them naught but bullies
On account of its being the root of much blindly spiteful conduct—

Crimes against humanity that most people refuse to tolerate,
And yet, these teachers show the same hostility towards kids
Whom they fail to understand, hence their cruel conduct
Of constantly singling them out and harassing them like bullies
Using insulting, manipulative language which later on causes problems:
Shellshock, anxiety, self-loathing…and all because these teachers

Made it their business to ravage the psyches of these kids
And make their lives miserable worse than can any other bully.
It’s a sickening shame that such heartless, spineless “teachers”
“Teach” these kids about suffering by deliberately causing such problems.
The only thing worse is how their outrageous conduct
Remains unchallenged for years when it never should be tolerated.


That should do it for this week. Until next time, though, people, remember this: The only way to combat bullying is to speak up about it. Nobody should have to put up with others harassing him or her for their own benefit, especially not any child or adolescent. This especially holds true for when the bully in question is a teacher or other “grownup” who hasn’t grown up himself or herself.

As any rate, thank you all for stopping by, and don’t be afraid to check out my author pages at, and Also, as mentioned before, feedback is welcome for this new format so that I know what kind of poems to compose for you all in the future. Aside from that, folks, happy reading!

Dustin M. Weber

Bonus Poem of the Week: Memo for Mr. Riley

Hello, readers!

Just thought I’d come back up here to share with you my latest poem: a limerick chain “dedicated” to all those people out there who basically have no business being in any position of power—no matter on how grand (i.e. a national leader) or small (i.e., a moderator on some small Internet forum) a scale—on account of their sheer arrogance, ignorance, and consequent, utter refusal to change for the better. My apologies in advance, too, for anyone named Riley who doesn’t fit this mold, for I’d more or less chosen the name for this particular caricature at random. Any resemblances to any person living or dead is thus coincidental. Without further ado, then, here’s Memo for Mr. Riley. Please enjoy!


Memo for Mr. Riley
November 5, 2013

You really need to grow up, dude.
You’re just so obnoxious and rude,
And you’ve no biz
Saying what “annoying” is
When you’re the worst of such a brood.

You’re such a mess up in the attic.
You’re mind’s so monochromatic.
You see in all in black and white—
“You’re wrong, I’m right”—
And thinking otherwise makes static

Up inside your underused brain,
And what makes you even more insane
Is when you force your will
On ev’ry Jack and Jill
To accept your doctrine plain,

And forget diplomacy!
Tactful’s not what you tend to be.
Like a cudgel, you’re blunt,
And I wonder if you grunt
Like a caveman ‘mongst your family.

Manners mean nothing to you,
No matter what you say or do.
Forget calling you rude;
You’re downright crude,
You obnoxious, belligerent shrew.

“Two side to ev’rything”—
Such is what you like to sing.
Then again, hypocrite,
You don’t practice it,
Lest it’s the “I’m right, you’re wrong” thing,

And when you’re right and one comes
To apologize to you, you scum,
You scoff and say “Whatever”
To their honest endeavor,
Further whipping the already flogged bum

Of the person who’s crying to come clean.
Honestly, must you live to be mean,
Getting off on others’ shame,
Suffering, and pain?
What’s your motive for being so obscene?

Worse yet, you’re not above being catty
And scratching underbellies so fatty
And underbellies slim
When you know you can’t win
A clean debate. That’s just ratty!

You care about naught but control
Over others, you heartless little troll,
And it sickens me much,
Your behavior and such,
And you heart hard and black like coal.

However, your nastiest trait
Shows when folks step up to debate
All your flaws I’ve discussed,
And in rage and disgust,
You counter their points with hate.

You attack all their points in haste,
Loud and forceful, trying to lay waste
To that which you see
As stupidity,
Yet your efforts are naught but a waste,

For you end up playing the fool
When you try desperately to school
Those with whom you disagree.
It’s quite laughable to me
‘Til my skin gets all bristly and cool

When I realize just how few
Folks have it to stand up to you
And call your hide out
For what you’re all about.
Then I get so sick through and through.

So sad that so few have the spine
To stand up to the conceited swine
That you truly are,
And yet, look how far
Up you’ve been on the ladder all this time.

You clearly have friends in high places
Who gladly tolerate your disgraces,
Else you’d be out on your rump
And down in the dumps,
And you’d have one big welt where your face is.

The fact that you’ve friends at all
Quite frankly leaves me appalled.
Please tell me how that works
With you being such a jerk
And not hiding your true nature at all.

It’s no secret you’re so immature
And that your manners aren’t demure,
Yet you get away clean
With being so mean—
Just more proof how this world’s so impure.

Well, guess what, then, you boorish creep:
Stay up there on your mountain steep
With your own fecal mass.
You’re a pain in the ass,
And I hope one day it sinks deep

Into your brain just how vile,
Repulsive, and juvenile
You’ve been all this time
And that all your crimes
Haunt you for a long, long while.

Maybe then, you’ll finally grow up
And move on with your life, you sick pup,
And stop shoving your will
Onto others like a pill,
‘Cause really, enough is enough.

After all, on this side of the fence,
There’s no room for the intolerance
You’ve repeatedly shown,
Cutting others to the bone
With your temper and ignorance,

And if you won’t grow up, dude,
Good riddance, for you’re just too rude
And self-centered a brat,
And that is that.
None need to cope with such an attitude.


Well, that’s it for today. Thank you all for stopping by, and please don’t hesitate to come on back this coming Sunday for my usual “Poem of the Week.” In the meantime, feel free to share this work with your friends and loved ones, especially if they happen to fit the mold of one “Mr. Riley,” as I’ve so chosen to call him, or are at least dealing with someone of this nature. Also feel free to stop on by my author pages at,, and, should you be in the mood to do some holiday shopping. Otherwise, take care, and happy reading!


Dustin M. Weber

Poem of the Week: For All Who’ve Ever Been Bullied

Happy New Year, readers!

Well, as 2012 comes to a close within the next couple of days, I must say that I’ve got plenty to think about when it comes to adding new content to this blog in terms of poetry, articles, and so forth. Heaven knows just how many ideas I have in store for this coming year, specifically when it comes to finishing that which I’ve started (i.e., my Bloody Roar reboot, my discussion of how video games help spur my creativity as a writer, etc.). For right now, however, I’ve got one final “Poem of the Week” that I want to share with you all, which I hereby dedicate towards anyone out there who’s ever been bullied before. Without any further ado, then…


For All Who’ve Ever Been Bullied

December 26, 2012


This is the topic at hand:

Bullying, which I’ll never understand,

A topic that for

The past two years or more

Has been a hot topic ‘cross the land.


You see, back when I was a boy,

I never understood the joy

Of trying to get others

Running off to their mothers

By playing with their minds like toys.


To me, the whole thing just seemed sick—

A pastime for childish twits

Devoid of any spine

As well as any mind

Within the depths of their skulls so thick,


And yet it’s said that bullies are smart

At intimidating others, to start,

For so often do they win

In getting under the skin

Of those whom they’re trying to tear apart.


Then again, maybe it’s just me,

But I do hope other people see

That its takes a simple brain,

Else being downright insane

For one to experience such glee


For hurting a fellow human being

And failing miserably at seeing

The evils of their ways

Until much later days

When into adult diapers they’re peeing.


Yes, I know that last part was gross,

But what still hangs me up the most

Is when bullies have no remorse

For their dastardly course

Of action, which is really nothing to boast,


For it takes no effort to hurt

Be you a giant or just a squirt,

No matter what you gain

Or how you inflict pain,

For the payoff’s worth les than dirt—


Especially when it comes right back

And gives you a mighty smack

‘Cross your cocky little yap

With such a thunderclap

That it makes you wish you’d never attacked


Anyone in the first place,

For really, such behavior’s a disgrace,

And it always makes me throw up

When such idiots fail to grow up

And further embarrass the human race.


Worse than bullying itself, however,

Is how the victims later on must endeavor

An attempt to regain

All that which their pain

Threatens to deny them of forever,


For even as adulthood comes around,

These tortured souls can be found

Coping with anxiety,

Which they have to such a degree

That they can never seem to hold their ground


In any given situation,

No matter their income or station.

Their nerves are just that wracked

And always denied the slack,

No thanks to their mental devastation,


And that, my friends, is a shame,

For Heaven knows what the world would gain

If such people could stand

Like anyone else can

With pride, and though surely they can blame


Themselves for not being strong

And standing up for themselves all along,

They still wouldn’t feel

Like they’ve received a bad deal

If not for the dastardly wrongs


Of their bullies, who—for whatever

Reason—found it a great endeavor

To pick on their prey

And ruin their days,

Thinking they’re all tough and clever


When, in fact, at their very core,

They’re just frauds and cowards and nothing more

Who apparently can’t wake up

And at least begin to shape up

To face their own problems galore.


Now, there may’ve been a point I’ve missed

In my discussion on all this,

But to spare all of thee

From sheer redundancy,

I’ll assume you’ve all got the gist,


So I’ll end the discussion on this note

By saying that bullying’s no joke.

It’s a sick twisted game

Meant for the insane,

And by itself, it won’t go up in smoke,


And even if we can’t make it end,

Let’s still share this message in hopes to send

Some good will towards those

Who’ve taken such blows

In hopes that they can move on, friends.


Well, that should do it for this year poetrywise, ladies and gentlemen. Before I officially conclude this post, though, I would like to wish a very happy 2013 to each and every one of my followers here on WordPress and to everyone else who regularly follows this blog. Thanks to all of you, this month in particular has become the most successful one I’ve had yet in terms of visits and likes, and hopefully within the upcoming year, I’ll experience even more growth and provide even more material for you all to enjoy. For right now, however, I encourage you all as always to please visit my author pages at,, and to check out what work I have available for purchase. Also, be on the lookout for my New Year’s Resolutions post, which I intend to post either tomorrow or Tuesday, depending on how well I can manage the rest of my workload. Until then, though, thanks again, and happy reading!


Dustin M. Weber