Bonus Poem of the Week: Voices in Your Head

Voices in Your Head
June 29, 2021

When the voices in your head give you hell,
When bad memories keep getting you down
And the scumbags who didn’t treat you well
Keep coming back to make you sweat and frown,
You owe it to yourself to shake it off
And prove to those creeps that you’re worth something,
For no matter how much at you they’d scoffed
And belittled you for any small thing,
You’re still worth something in this crazy life,
So long as you keep your hands and nose clean.
Stay true to your goal, then, amid the strife,
And you’ll school all those who, to you, were mean.
Shut those voices up. Have some self-respect
Discipline, and guts, and you might win yet.


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Poem of the Week: Spring 2021

Spring 2021
February 27, 2021
The snow’s melting, the grass is poking up,
The birds are singing sweetly in the trees,
Our yard’s got more running room for our pups,
And flowers plenty bloom for you and me.
Spring is here at last with the promise of
Change for all to see and hear for this year,
Showing relief through Mother Nature’s love,
But will society change likewise, dear?
A lethal germ, deadlier foolishness,
A public divided hard ‘gainst itself…
This is what we’ve dealt with and more—not less!
Time to put it all high upon a shelf
And leave it in the past where it belongs
So that we, too, can sing a gladder song. 


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Bonus Poem of the Week: Keep It Simple, Stupid!

Keep It Simple, Stupid!
June 3, 2020

“Keep it simple, stupid!” I oft forget,
And things become a mess all too quickly.
Many a good notion I have, and yet,
Breathing life into such becomes prickly.
My work takes damn near forever to write,
My original point gets lost within,
And the end result turns out weak and trite,
Meaning people’s awe I can’t hope to win.
Why I haven’t learned my lesson by now,
I can but guess, but the day I hope will
Come in which I’ll wake the hell up—and how—
And rid myself of my cerebral swill.
Bad habits are hard to break, after all,
But break mine I must, lest I want to fall.


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Bonus Poem of the Week: 1980s Action Hero Tribute

1980s Action Hero Tribute
July 29, 2016

Many were the action heroes back when,
And while many of them still do exist,
They don’t seem as cherished now as back then,
No matter how their memory persists.
Many were the adventures they went on
And the foes they vanquished along the way,
And though their presence isn’t quite as strong
As it was, as they say, “back in the day,”
I can’t help but think there’s still room for them
In the media in this day and age,
Kicking ass just like they did way back when
The small and large screens were their center stage.
Sadly, they seem to be lost in the past,
But if they were to come back…what a blast!


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Poem of the Week: The Fickle Subscriber Poem

Hello, readers.

The following sonnet is dedicated to everyone out there who has ever managed a blog, Internet video channel, or similar outlet who has ever had to put up with people who allegedly have similar outlets with the same provider (WordPress, YouTube, DailyMotion, BlogSpot, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) who had subscribed to their blog, channel, or page…only to unsubscribe anywhere from a day to a month later without explanation—especially over the course of several weeks and who share so much in common with other, similar blogs/channels/webpages (i.e., month of origin, blog/channel/page content, identical “about” section messages, and so on) that one might suspect said blogs/channels/pages to belong to the same spamming robot. My advice to everyone who has had to endure this nuisance is simple: Don’t let such fickle, uncommitted people get you down. Just keep doing what you’ve been doing and focus on entertaining, educating, and otherwise providing content for the followers you have who genuinely enjoy what you have to offer. This latter group, after all, is far worthier of your attention in that each person within it is infinitely more invested in what you have to share with them and the rest of the world. As such, the more you invest in them, the better off you will be in return, even if only on a personal level.

That being said, sappy and/or cheesy as it may sound, I hereby thank everyone who has shown a genuine interest in my work over the past four-years-plus I’ve been here on WordPress. Feel free to continue supporting my work any which way you can, too, be it buying my ebooks (See the links below, as always.), liking and sharing whatever work I put up here on my blog, or even replying to my posts to tell me which works of mine you like and why or how I can improve as a writer, be it here or in whatever else I do. Until then, thank you all for your continued investment, and please enjoy the poem below!

Dustin M. Weber

The Fickle Subscriber Poem
July 12, 2016

Either subscribe or don’t. Make up our mind.
Don’t sub one day, unsub after a week.
That’s so obnoxious, it makes my teeth grind.
Does my stuff entertain you or not? Speak!
All you’ve got are random pictures, which might
Not even be yours to start with, faker—
Not that I can tell since you’ve no insights
Included to give cred to the maker
Or tell a story behind what we see,
Which we can’t even talk about below.
You don’t even have an avatar. Gee!
Could it be you’re not human, but robo?
Playing “Sub for Sub” ain’t my claim to fame.
Either be a fan or don’t. That’s my game.


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