Poem of the Week: Kids Today!

Kids Today!
October 9, 2021

“Kids today have no bloody respect! They throw me into a fit.
They’re obnoxious, immature, self-absorbed, insolent, indolent, ignorant twits.
They don’t give a lick about tradition or earning their way to the top.
They cut corners every chance they get and pollute the world with their slop.
They create stupid words out of the blue and warp the meanings of others
By using them wrong every chance they get ‘til I can’t help but say ‘Oh, brother!’
They refuse to support the status quo by getting regular jobs,
Instead making cash through the Internet while they live in swill, the slobs,
Texting and ‘Tweeting’ and taking ‘selfies’ each chance they get ‘neath Heaven’s sun.
Meanwhile, I’ve been working my fingers to the bone since birth and busting my bum
Trying to make ends meet and make a name for myself in this world,
And yet, here I am, perpetually surrounded by meritless boys and girls
Who can’t even learn about life from experience. They think the ‘Net holds the key
To all of life’s follies, thus showing further disrespect to how life used to be.
Why can’t they have the same morals and values I had when I was their age?
Why can’t they approach life like my generation did when time had turned the page
To the era I grew up in? Why must they constantly make this world a living hell?”
And folks wonder why “Okay, Boomer” is a thing when I read schlock like this. Oh, well…
To answer your question though, cranky old timer, life changes. Accept the fact.
Not every decade will be like when you were young—or every year, at that.
Also, as times change, so do people to adapt to the changes at hand—
Some for the better, some for the worse, but nevertheless—across the land.
As such, morals and values changing with the times shouldn’t really surprise anyone.
Yes, it’s a challenge we all must learn to overcome and thus not all that fun,
But as new dilemmas manifest in life, so do the ways in which we address them.
Even the same dilemmas from ages ago pop up in new ways from way back when,
And we’re all to adjust, not just those “damn dirty kids” you love to bash so much.
Besides, every generation has its brats as well as its gems and then some.
I shan’t put today’s kids up on any pedestal, but I’ll not damn them, either, friend.
Different age, different experiences, as was true with each generation from start to end.
Your generation’s no different, and I’ve no doubt your parent’s cohorts raked your kind
Over the coals for not seeing things as they knew them, friend of mine.
Besides, even if today’s kids are indeed as messed up as you claim them to be,
Who’s at fault for not teaching them the basic principles of life? Did you ever stop to see,
Hear, or think who’s to hold accountable for the riffraff we know today—
The ignorant and arrogant punks whose misdeeds we all must pay for in some way?
Not saying that your generation was or is perfect (Far from it!) or that today’s youth
Shouldn’t take responsibility for what they’re doing or have done, but it takes no sleuth
To realize that strong morals and values come from one teaching them to the next,
And if parents, teachers, and “grown-ups” at large won’t do that, who are they to be vexed
When kids grow up to become losers and lowlifes and society thus goes to pot?
If kids are our future and we won’t teach them right from wrong, guess what: We all rot.
After all, those are our morals and values on display. Take the hint, then, and do your job,
Parents of the world, and stop allowing your kids to become worthless snobs and slobs.
“Grow up, America,” as Junior Brown once sang. Heck, grow up, world, at that,
And stop blaming kids alone for how hellish Earth’s become. Stop feeding us the same scat
That your parents’ generation once fed your world back in the day and their parents likewise
Fed their era about them and so forth and so on, for we all must learn to become wise
To what our kids must cope with, pick them up, dust them off, and show them what to do
If they’re ever to survive this trial called life, and once we do, I promise you
That though there will still be some brats with which we must cope, at least we’ll still
Have a future to be proud of one way or another. Now, come on! Let’s show some good will.
Let’s stop damning today’s kids right away for the faults many of them still show
And give them the helping hand they need to learn and to help this world grow
Into a better place than what it is now, for without wisdom to light the way,
We all suffer in the end, generation be damned, lest we work towards a brighter day.


Author Pages: Smashwords.com

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